A Level PE Revision

Could you pass A Level Physical Education? The following quizzes are designed to test your knowledge of the A Level PE Syllabus.

Below we have separated areas of the A Level syllabus into ‘courses’. The courses are broken down into lessons with simple quizzes to test your knowledge. You need to score 100% on each quiz to pass and can have as many attempts as you wish.

Applied Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & physiology covers the Cardiovasular system (heart and blood vessels), Respiratory system (lunges & breathing), Neuromuscular system (nerves), Joint actions and analysis of movement.

Skill Acquisition

Skill acquisition is about how we learn new skills and includes skill continua, transfer of skills, skill classification, theories of learning, guidance and feedback.

Exercise Physiology

Exercise physiology covers diet, nutritian and their affect on performance, training methods, periodisation and principles of training.


Biomechanics is all about the science of movement and technique. You need to know about Newton’s Laws, speed, acceleration, levers and angular motion.

Sports Psychology

Sports psychology covers factors that can influence and individual in sport and physical activity such as personality, attitudes, arousel, anxiety, motivation and agression. It also looks at how groups and teams work.

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