
The physics of technique

Linear Motion

Linear motion simply means motion in a straight line (as opposed to circular motion or rotation). In order to talk about linear motion scientifically, we need to be familiar with mass, distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration. Here we explain Newton’s laws of motion, mass, inertia, momentum, speed, velocity, distance, displacement and graphs of motion.

Angular Motion

Angular momentum includes rotating bodies, levers, stability, moment of force/torque, axis of rotation, moment of inertia and angular momentum.


A force is a push or a pull which alters the state of motion of a body and is measured in Newtons (N). Here we cover balanced and unbalanced forces, friction, air resistance, impulse, force-time graphs, and free body diagrams.

Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics or fluid dynamics comes into sport a lot and covers air resistance, drag, projectiles, spin on balls and Bernoulli principle and lift force.


Resources to help teachers and learners of physical education and sports coaching. Simple online multiple-choice questions.

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