Skill acquisition is all about people learning to improve new skills and improve sports techniques.
Memory & Skill Acquisition
This section looks at memory, its stores, and methods to improve memory. (Equivalent to UK A Level Physical Education). Without memory, information processing and skill learning are not possible. Here we explain how memory works when learning new sports skills and techniques.
Read more on Memory & skill acquisition.
Motor Programs & Schema Theory
A motor program is a series of subroutines that the brain organises into the correct sequence to perform a movement. The long-term memory stores motor programs and retrieves them when needed.
Read more on Motor programs & Schema theory.
Teaching Styles & Skill Acquisition
This section looks at the different teaching styles and forms of guidance (Equivalent to UK A Level Physical Education). The teaching styles an instructor, coach, or teacher adopts depends on their own personality and ability. The learner’s ability, motivation, and age also determine the best teaching styles to use.
Read more on Teaching styles.
Information Processing
The section will look at various information processing models from the basic model to the Whitings model. Also covered are Hicks Law, factors affecting Reaction time, the Single Channel Hypothesis, and the Psychological Refractory Period.
Read more on Information processing.
Teaching Methods
This section looks at the different methods used in teaching and varying ways of practicing new skills. It is equivalent to UK A Level Physical Education). Here we explain instructing, demonstrating, applying & confirming as well as fixed, massed, variable, part, and progressive part teaching methods.
Read more on Teaching methods.
Theories of Learning
This section looks at different learning theories, the different types of feedback, and Learning Plateaus. Skill acquisition theories include Operant Conditioning, Insight Learning, and Bandura’s Observational Learning. In order to produce a successful response to a problem, the athlete must find a solution.
Read more on Theories of learning.
Transfer Of Learning
This section looks at transfer of learning where learning one skill either positively or negatively, the learning a second skill.
Read more on Transfer of learning.
Ability & Skill
This section describes the difference between abilities and skills. Also, skill continuums, and their uses in a practical context. Abilities Your ability is the skills and qualities which make it possible for you to achieve a task.
Read more on Abilities & skills.
Phases Of Learning
This section looks at the three stages of learning and describes the tasks performers do at each stage. (Equivalent to UK A Level Physical Education) “Learning may be considered to be the more or less permanent change in performance associated with experience” Knapp (1973).
Read more on Phases of learning.