Elite Javelin coach Tim Newemham explains how to do a technically perfect standing throwing and examins some of the common faults beginners make. Getting the standing throw perfect from the start is important so the speed and power generated in the run-up can be transferred into an efficient Javelin throw.
This is a standing throw. The important points are:
- Keeping the throwing arm back and relaxed.
- Making sure the left or non-throwing arm us forwards and towards the direction of the throw.
- Go soft on the knees so you are not upright.
- Step into the throw and release.
On the second throw, Daniel tries to relax the upper body even more. The purpose of that is so you can use your body into the throw more. It is believed that 54% of the power of the throw comes from the legs and through the trunk.
Typical faults:
- The first fault demonstrated is where the person is too upright. Therefore as you come into throw the only way you can go to finish the throw is downwards by bending the front leg, which absorbs all the forward force. It still looks a decent throw to the untrained eye, it looks good, it has a fast arm. However, you have taken away all the potential for a really good throw by absorbing the force on a soft front leg.
- Another fault is an early arm, which usually means a low arm. So on the second fault demonstration drill, Daniel deliberately throws with a little bit of ‘low arm’. Again, it looks like a reasonably decent throw. But the difference was that the elbow came lower than the shoulder. If the arm is early this means that the legs and trunk cannot be effectively used to transfer the force into the Javelin for a really good throw.